
We totally love talking up our superfood powders! But why just take our word for it? Take a peek at what everyone else is saying – they've got some awesome stories to share that really capture the magic of our superfood powders.

Busy mum with low energy

Meet Ashleigh, a health-conscious, busy young mum who found herself struggling with low energy after having her second child. But that all changed when a friend recommended Nutrient Rescue. Watch her story to see how it gave her the boost she needed to tackle the demands of motherhood while working full-time.

Ashleigh - NZ Army Officer and mum

A new lease on life

Sheryl lives a full and active life and aspires to have high energy levels for years to come. She shares how the Nutrient Rescue Double Shot has helped her to stay on track with her goals, and how the "liquid life" has got her to where she is today.

Sheryl - Environmental Management student

First time dad a true believer

Watch how Sharn, a busy business owner, husband, and father, has turned from sceptic to daily shotster. His morning routine now includes the Nutrient Rescue Double Shot, which provides a convenient solution for maintaining a balanced diet during his frequent travels for work. Taking care of himself has never been easier.

Sharn - Film maker, surfer, musician and dad

Simon's heart warming journey

Since his high-flying days as CEO at Ryman, Simon had been searching for a new mission - one that would be less taxing on his health. He discovered Nutrient Rescue a few years ago. He was his usual sceptical self but couldn't argue with the evidence - after just a few weeks of taking his shots he felt way better.

Simon - Director and avid hiker
Find out more

The testimonials on our website are from customers sharing their personal experiences. They are individual opinions and not claims of verified health benefits.